Privacy Policy
Guests cannot invite other guests and day visitors during their stay.
We do not encourage parties and late-night revelry. Loud music is not permitted beyond 10 pm
Outside food and beverages such as mineral water, cold drinks, and dry snacks are not allowed. Consumption of alcohol is permitted only within limits. ​
Illegal activities including but not limited to carrying/consuming drugs/narcotics and carrying firearms/weapons are prohibited on the property. Management reserves the right to report any such activities to local authorities.
Smoking is not allowed in the room. Drinking and smoking are not allowed in the swimming pool area.
Guests are requested to take care of all personal valuables. Management is not responsible for loss, theft or damage to any items.
As required by law, every guest 18 and above years must carry government-approved photo ID proof, that shows their address. We accept only Aadhar Cards, Voter ID, Driving Licenses, and Passports. For a hassle-free check-in, even children below 8 must carry their official documents.
Inappropriate behavior or violation of any of the above House Rules will invite a polite refusal to accept a Booking. If already checked in, Management reserves the right to ask guests to leave.
Guests will need to pay if there is any damage to the property.